The Guardian Project, who is a Tor Project contributor, has developed a way to protect all the devices from refrigerators and toasters to HVAC systems and lawnsprinklers, from waking up to the order of a hacker and leaking your sensitive data or help the hacker to execute other cyber attacks. The contributor achieved this by integrating the Tor security into the Internet of Things(IoT).
Using the help of Home Assistant, which is a open source platform built on Python, the Guardian Project Director Nathan Freitas successfully created the “Tor Onion Service Configuration” for this scalable system. This platform, runs on devices which include Raspberry Pi, can control and network the IoT. This new “Tor Onion Service Configuration” setup is now available on the Home Assistant’s official website.
“Too many ‘Things’ at our hospitals, in our homes, in our businesses and all our lives are exposed to the public Internet and not protected. Tor provides the protection needed, for free, with real-world hardended and strong, open-source software, state of the art cryptography,” said Freitas in a release.
“We are excited about the potential of the new use for Tor’s technology.” said Tor Project Executive Director Shari Steele.
Talking about the real threat of attacks which are coming through the devices like lighting and baby cams, Tor, the release said that, they created a privacy buffer that acts “between the baby and the Internet”, so the baby is not exposed to the open wide web. Attackers had to face a global network consisting of thousands of Tor nodes instead of a single point which they can easily hack.